

     "Charmes" is a collection name of Wallets and Small Leather Goods, made of recycle leather launched by Komaya Co., Ltd. located in HIgashi Komagata, around for at 73 years as of 2023. The name, "Charmes" is taken from vineyard, “charmes village” of Bourgogne located 7.6mk south-east from Paris, France where about 2 million citizens are living and about more than 100,000 citizens are living in Bourgogne and majority peoples are working to make wine.     


       "Pinot Noir” is representative brand name of red wine and maybe some of you had heard it. “Chardonnay” is a representative name of white wine, and both are sharing 80% of total wine made in Burgogne. 葡萄の果汁は透明です。ブドウ糖が発酵するとアルコール(2C2H5OH)と二酸化炭素(2CO2)に変化します。ブドウの皮を剥いで果汁のみで発行しすると白ワインになります。皮を混ぜて発酵すると赤ワインになります。   

      The fruit juice of grape is transparent and glucose becomes after spoiled through fermentation to be divided to 2C2H5OH (Alcohol) and 2CO2 (carbon dioxide). The fuite juice w/o skins becomes white wine and fruit juice and "skins. are shaked to be red wine.   


     They say that the recipe of Wine-making was brought from Roma, Italy to France around second or third century, and traditional manufacturing know-how was carried forward from antient peoples to contemporary peopels and we can find there was an old style of SDG’s long time ago.


     ピノ・ノアールワインのラベルとブルゴーニュ地方の地図をご覧なって身近に感じてください。   We have a good lesson to start a new SDG's. Please find the labels of Pinot Noir wine and the location of Bourgogne in below map to feel sympathy…….

    牛革は一般名です。学術名はボス・タウルスと言います。皆さんき牛革という呼び名に慣れている事でしょう。牛革は副産物です。シマプロ&K. は毛皮や養殖したダイヤモンドパイソンやクロコダイルなどワシントン条約で国際取引を規制されている動物の革は取り扱いません。

     Cowskin is a general name and "Bos taurus" is a scientific name, so you are familar to call cowskin. The skins of cowskins and other animals are by-product. Shimapro & K. are not handling real fur, cultivated animals like diamond python or crocodile, restricted by Washington Convention,.

    ベジタリアンはヴィーガンとは異なります。ヴィーガンとは肉以外にも卵や牛乳などの乳製品も摂らない 人々の総称です。リサイクルレザーはフエイク・レザーの一つです。しかし、それは織物ではなく牛革からできたリサイクルレザーであり、余った革を焼却処分するのではなくヴィーガンレザーに作り変える事は価値があると信じています。

    Vegetarian is different from Vegan, which is generic name of people who don't eat and take meat and dairy product with animal origin, for example, the eggs and the milks. Recycled leather is one of the fake leathers, but it's different from fabric, so raw material is cowskin and we think the inactivated cowskins are worth using to reborn to Vegan leather, without abandoning by fire.